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Clydebank 1977
I took up 35mm photography in 1977, so it's a mixed selection of photos as I experimented with my camera.

Helen and myself outside our first flat door at Dunedin Terrace. 7th June 1977

This is Jacko and jackie III playing on top of the birdcage at Dunedin Terrace. We are watching Jacko, the green budgie, for my sister while she is on holiday. - 9th June 1977

Glasgow road, Clydebank, looking down towards Our Holy Redeemer's Church. This is before Glasgow Road was turned into the Clyde Expressway. - 6th August 1977

Mac's Corner shop, due for demolition. My sisters and I used to go here for our sweeties before going over to the Bank Cinema on Glasgow Road. - South Elgin Street, Clydebank 6th August 1977

Folk night at the Douglas hotel with Lomond Folk. - 13th August 1977

Lomond Folk at the Douglas Hotel. We bought their album that night, still got it, somewhere, up the loft. - 13th august 1977

Lomond Folk playing upstairs at the Douglas hotel. It was a good night. The Douglas Hotel was our local. - 13th august 1977

Me and my sister-in-law, Mary, enjoying the folk night. - Douglas Hotel, Clydebank 13th august 1977

Helen with her sister, Mary, having a wee refreshment. - Douglas Hotel, Clydebank 13th august 1977

The crowd at the Lomond Folk night enjoying the buffet. - Douglas Hotel, Clydebank 13th august 1977

Our budgie, Jackie III on top of his cage, the cage with the mural background. I loved that cage, and jackie III too of course. Clydebank August 1977

This is our second car since we got married. The first one was an Austin 1100, which conked out every time it rained! I have still have not learned to drive at this point. - Dunedin Terrace 13th August 1977

Our Ford Escort sitting in Dunedin Terrace. Check it out, wing mirrors, no headrests, no airbags and it's got fabric stuck on the roof. - Dunedin Terrace 13th August 1977

This is me editing an 8mm cine film in my living room. I started making cine film movies in 1975. All my cine films are now in the Scottish Screen Archives. - Dunedin Terrace, 13th August 1977

This is me working up in my dad's loft. This is 1977 but the loft had changed little since the 50s when my dad would take me and my two sisters up to make things. We all had our own little boxes with our bits of wood in them. - 11th September 1977

I am cutting out parts for an animated movie that I was making. I am using a fretsaw. My dad showed me how to use a fretsaw when I was a little boy in the 50s. - 11th September 1977

On the platform of Clydebank train station looking at the back of the houses on Chalmers Street. - 24th September 1977

Electric train coming into Clydebank Station. - 24th September 1977

In my hall at Dunedin Terrace setting up a scene for an animated movie I was making. It never got finished, as the children came along and my life changed big time, for the better I might add. - 26th September 1977 Dunedin Terrace, Clydebank

My cine camera and home-made lights setup for filming animated movies. I made the drop-side table that I am working on too. - 26th September 1977 Dunedin Terrace, Clydebank

Action Man sitting at his desk. I made all the little phones and control panels and little sheets of paper. - 26th September 1977 Dunedin Terrace, Clydebank

One baddie coming to set free another baddie... I would borrow my young nephews toys to make the movies. - 26th September 1977 Dunedin Terrace, Clydebank

Evil baddie bursting through the tin foil door... It was all good fun. - 26th September 1977 Dunedin Terrace, Clydebank

This is the inside of my transistor radio that I bought in the 60s. I still have it and it still works but can't seem to pick up the pirate radio stations anymore. - 1977

Sun setting behind shipyard crane. The Episcopalian Church on Glasgow Road, photo taken from Dunedin Terrace. - October 1977
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